Over 120+ Group Fitness Classes Offered Weekly
Group Exercise classes provide you with a fun and social way of meeting your fitness goals. From traditional cardio, muscle conditioning, Spinning ™, water, dance, to Yoga and Pilates, you have everything you need to succeed. All program instructors are CPR certified and nationally certified by other fitness organizations such as the American Council of Exercise (ACE), Aerobics and Fitness Association of America (AFAA), American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), and the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA).
Check out our Group Exercise schedule for class days and times. Experiment with different levels and types of exercise classes while finding the ones that are right for you.
Class Descriptions
Children Over 12 Attending Classes: Children ages 12 and over are permitted in classes with parental supervision. Aqua Fit and Spin classes require child to be 5’1” or taller. The instructor reserves the right to determine whether the class is appropriate for the child based on the activity level involved.